Our manifesto
"It is better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction."
— Herman Siu
We are living in a mental health epidemic.
1 in 2 adults will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder in their lifetime. Anxiety, depression, even PTSD has become so common yet so taboo to discuss, that we either forget it’s a problem or pretend like it’s normal.
The reality is, our mental well-being is grounded in the things we do routinely and we’ve normalized unhealthy habits around our most shared and basic behaviors: waking up and going to sleep.
“Hustle culture.”
“Sleep when you’re dead.”
“But first coffee.”
Imagine if every morning the majority of the population lined up to buy a couple of caffeine pills.
It sounds crazy, but that’s kind of where we are at.
Drugs have become disguised as drinks, and unlike bottled pharmaceuticals, coffee, and energy drinks don’t have to talk about dose. Or, how long it stays in your system.
Heard of the CYP1A2 gene? Well, it regulates your ability to metabolize caffeine, and in turn, it dictates how your body responds to it over time.
Jitters, anxiety, restless nights?
Drinking too much caffeine to simply wake up in the morning is like trying to light a candle with a flamethrower.
It’s overdoing it.
If this keeps you up at night, you’re not alone.
1/3 of the population suffers from chronic sleep deprivation and chronic sleep loss is linked to nearly every physical and mental illness plaguing humanity.
To be clear, we aren’t against drugs.
Or caffeine.
We aren’t even against coffee.
We’re against a mindless routine.
And right now, most Americans are offsetting shitty sleep with a drug in high enough doses that it causes shitty sleep.
A great business model for the coffee and energy drink companies, but our minds pay the price.
We saw a problem, so we created a morning ritual that was more than just a vessel for caffeine. In fact, we created products to help you rise with just a fraction of it by blending mushrooms and herbs to give you energy, focus, and immune support without the jitters and crash.
We also made a product to help you relax before turning off the lights.
We’re here to create healthy minds through healthy habits because when people prioritize rising and resting in harmony with their bodies and minds, they are better equipped to lead fulfilling, vibrant lives. This, in turn, cultivates a healthier, happier society.
Can a beverage save the world?
No, there’s no silver bullet.
So, we don’t just make things you can drink, we also make things you can watch, read, and listen to, too. Things that inspire curiosity. Things we want to learn about, ourselves.
And we don’t stop there.
We use our platform and profits to advocate for the development, destigmatization and legalization of therapeutic usages of psychedelics, fungi and other modalities to create healthy minds by healing them.
We’re here to create healthy minds through healthy habits, because everything from how we treat each other to how we treat the planet, all the way down to how we treat ourselves, all starts from a healthier … within.
And when it comes to healthy habits, community and connection are as important as any.
So we created MUD\WTR :gather.
It’s a space where you can not only taste our products but also touch, hear and feel what our brand and community are all about.
Just two blocks from the beach in Santa Monica, Calif., our world-class baristas are ready to make you a mug of your favorite MUD\WTR blend however you like it.
We have music, breathwork, meditation and movement. Events that bring together community and partnerships that cross-pollinate connections.
And maybe an ice plunge or two.
We’re sharing healthy products and practices that you can make your own. Products and practices that lead to healthy minds.
And maybe some new friends.
Come by and say hello.
Shane Heath
Founder & CEO

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
— Mark Twain